WHY DO I RUN: Kathy’s Story

Part of a series of runner profiles we’ll be featuring throughout the summer

Running makes us feel good. It’s a gift. If you run without injuries, now that’s a bonus!

Throughout my life running has been enjoyable. Whether on the beach, a trail, a rock jetty, or on the road. Alone is fine, as well as in a group. Running is fun.

Most runners strive towards a 5K, 10K, half marathon, full marathon, 50K, Ultra. Crazy, more, more, more. Slow down, remember, running is supposed to make you feel good. It’s a gift; don’t overtrain and enjoy the ride.

My goal now after running for quite a long time is to help people slow down after they achieve a particular goal with running.

On most Sunday mornings I lead a running group on the beach. Yes, it is a little harder to run in sand, but you see, that’s the point. You have to slow down to do it.

For the past 7 years I’ve done this because I enjoy it, free of charge.

RELATED CONTENT: [Why Do I Run: Katie’s Story] [Why Do I Run: Ailish’s Story] [Why Do I Run: Preston’s Story] [Why Do I Run: Joe’s Story]