Taper Time? Don’t play soccer!

by Seth Taylor, #road2boston ambassador

2 weeks to go…great week of running lower miles (45) and wow did I have a close call on Easter Sunday!

Mileage was cut down by substituting in a spin class (during freezing rain) – and resting. Until now my taper cycles have been relatively short for half-marathons, so it is a bit of a challenge to know what is best for me.

It was sunny and 51 on Saturday, and I hope we get so lucky in 14 days. Running in a tank top and shorts was amazing!

Also, Commonwealth Ave., “Comm Ave”, is still rocking Christmas lights and are so nice to run down before the sun comes up!

The Comm. Ave. / Mass. Ave. underpass is still under construction, and I think it is getting closer to race ready! It looked like the concrete forms were being removed on Wednesday.

Grey skies, that’s what I thought I was going to have after deciding it was okay to play soccer with a 7 year old on Easter – Not Smart!

We even attended Dr. Ian Nurse’s presentation during RaceMania last weekend where he said, “DON’T DO SOMETHING NEW.” Of course I took this as something I would need athletic clothes for, not Easter clothes and dress shoes.

Pretty sure I would have been okay in running shoes because my dress shoes caught on a tough of grass and pulled my hip! I did immediately stop and am now taking an extra rest day. I sure hope this weird feeling goes away quickly. Moral of the story, take TAPER SERIOUSLY

Have a great week and embrace rest days!

The #road2boston continues, and I hope you all are doing great!

Follow Seth on Instagram (@runchillrun)