Meet the Squad: Chris – A Motivational Runners Story

This is my favorite photo of myself.

I didn’t realize it was my favorite before doing this blog so thank you. It is from my only cross country win. I loved running cross country and track because of the team, the friends, the arduous miles together, and the minor antics. However, the best part about running was racing. In a race nothing else matters. Whether I raced on the road, on the track, or through the woods and fields, the only thing that mattered was the measure of time between me, my competitors, and the finish line. That drive to compete was insatiable at times.

Kenny Moore describes a race where he set a 27 second 2 mile PR, and beat the former NCAA champion, by saying “and I experienced for the first time the full savagery of my competitive heart.” I don’t compete often these days, because I don’t train or run the volume I used to. Instead I’ll read, occasionally go for a bike ride, rarely go to a show, and often play board games with friends. I also get fulfillment out of work. It feels good when a customer appreciates the service I provide, and I like making connections with the community.

Chris is the manager of Marathon Sports Melrose. Stop by and say hello!